Welcome to Success GPS! 

Elevate your team's performance, wellbeing, and leadership skills through this ‘all-in-one’ program. Over 12 courses, your team will develop the most in-demand skills that are needed for success in an age of AI. From communication and stress management skills, to EQ, adaptability and DEI, watch your young talent's engagement and retention skyrocket as you in invest in their growth.

* Live on demand coaching available along with group, team, and enterprise learning rates.
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What’s Included

  • 12 workshops broken into 93 bite-size videos
  • Built in quizzes and exercises to help you practice skills
  • Discussion forums to share your thoughts

Skills You’ll Learn:

  • Communication & Presentation Skills
  • Collaboration and Conflict Management
  • Relationship Building & Social Skills
  • Stress Management & Mindset
  • Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
  • High Performance Habits
  • Influence and Persuasion
  • How to Self-Motivate and Bring Purpose to Your Job

Course Features

  • Combines professional and personal development with health and wellbeing
  • Learn individually or in teams
  • On demand live coaching available

What makes Success GPS different than other learning programs?

Success GPS combines professional and personal development with health & wellbeing to create a comprehensive, total, learning journey unlike no other! It takes a 360 approach to your development, teaching the most in-demand skills you will need to succeed on the job, and in life.

Do I have to take all the Success GPS courses in order?

No, you can take the courses in which ever order you like. Having said this, we encourage you to take the course in its arranged sequence because each course builds on the next, and is designed to create a more meaningful and impactful learning journey and experience.

How long do I have access to the course?

You’ll have access to the course for one calendar year.

Who can benefit most from these courses?

Everyone can benefit from Success GPS, but the program was designed specifically for young professionals, emerging leaders, and first time managers under 40.

What does each course look and feel like?

Each course consists of 3 to 12 bite-size modules, along with take home exercises, and a short quiz at the end. Courses are as interactive as possible, and incorporate storytelling, case studies, graphics and animation.

Technical issues:

For any technical assistance, please contact Support@DivonAcademy.com
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